WGM contest Vampire Royalty 2021 – Stage 1 – Voting

Dear friends, fans and followers of World Gothic Models! We would like to introduce you “Vampire Royalty” Contest for 2021! 

In this year’s edition participate 20 contestants from 9 countries / 3 continents – Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Sweden, UK & USA!

It’s time to announce the The 1st stage – Poll Voting.

The models in the Top 10 who collect the most votes will be ranked to the 2nd stage.


  • Each image of every contestant is displayed one under another. After choosing your favorite image by marking the little circle before the Model’s name text, you have to scroll down to the bottom side of the voting platform. Then, click on the correct Captcha symbol and tap on the button VOTE to finish the procedure;
  • The name of every contestant is under his image;
  • You can VOTE ONLY ONCE per 24 hours in the span of 16 days, so consider very well who you would like to support to get to the top;
  • The voting starts from 25th of November from 16:00 GMT+2 to 10th of December, 2021, 23:59 GMT+2. When the voting ends, the results will be displayed and we will have the TOP 10 for the next stage of the contest.

Bellow you can see the Gallery list of the participants in this year’s VAMPIRE ROYALTY 2021 Contest! Now is your turn to pick your favorite models and help the sponsors choose the winners!

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Time left to vote: 1166 days 21 hours and 5 minutes
Vote for your top 10 for the next stages and help us to select the Vampire Royalty for 2021!
4057 votes · 4057 answers

Good luck to all from World Gothic Models Team!

WGM Team
WGM Team
WGM promotes Gothic culture and alternative self-expression. Our mission is to share the latest trends from the community and support the artists whose creative spark keeps it alive. See through our eyes the light in the darkness.
